Crisis Hotlines and Websites
New Mexico Tech Resources
Mental Health Resources
Local Mental Health Resources
- Cornerstone Christian Counseling
801 N California Street
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 835-8991
- Inner Evolution Counseling
218 S California Street
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 835-8761
- Learning Path
308 N California Street
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 838-0061
- Presbyterian Behavior Health
1202 Hwy 60 Bldg D
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 838-4690
- Socorro Mental Health
1200 Hwy 60 West
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 835-2444
Suicide Prevention
Suicide rates around the globe are at an all time high. Stressors that put a suicidal individual at risk of death by suicide includes but are not limited to mental health issues, environmental stressors, and past issues. "People with severe mental illness are 12 times more likely to die by suicide than others, suicide is not limited to those who suffer from bipolar disorder or schizophrenia" (EDUMED). Common challenges that can also increase suicidal thoughts include burnout, chronic stress, compassion fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, and substance abuse.
To learn more about suicide prevention and destigmatizing this issue, visit the Suicide and Prevention Guide by EDUMED here.
Click here to learn what is a mental health emergency.
Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, making suicide prevention resources some of the most valuable and impactful interventions available. Following is our comprehensive list of suicide prevention resources and strategies meant to support those impacted and prevent suicide.
Warning Signs of Suicide
Crisis Phone Numbers
Need Family and Parent Peer Support?
Parenting a child with emotional, mental, and/or behavioral health concerns can be tough. A struggling child can actually disrupt the whole family. This is why New Mexico Crisis and Access Line has put some resources together just for you!
"Family and parent peer supporters offer other parents and caregivers with children experiencing challenges and/or disabilities: assistance, a listening ear, hints on how to navigate the complex system of care, an advocate, and practical tools and information from the lens of someone that has also been there and found ways to help their children thrive."
Family and parent peer support, can assist parents and caregivers with coping tools, improving school encounters, engaging individualized education plans (IEPs), advocating during medical and mental health appointments, and navigating court ordered programs to work more effectively.
You can find:
- A parent to talk to right now by calling the New Mexico Peer-to-Peer Warmline at 855-466-7100
- Guidance on how parents can respond in the most effective way by exploring concerns & challenges many parents experience by visiting the Child Mind Institute.
There is always someone here to listen to you. You are never alone, no matter what you're going through. Call the NM Peer-to-Peer Warmline now for help today!
Myths about Suicide
Myth: There are always warning signs.
Only 50-75% of people display clear warning signs of suicidal thoughts or decisions before they take their life.
Myth: Someone who is suicidal will always be suicidal.
About 54% of those who die by suicide don’t have any diagnosable mental health disorder.
Myth: Someone who dies by suicide had severe mental illness.
Suicidal thoughts are often short-term and specific to a particular situation, such as a divorce, breakup, legal trouble, financial issues, a death in the family, a severe illness, trauma or abuse, or the loss of a home and not indicative of a severe mental illness.
Myth: People who are suicidal really do want to die.
Those who have suicidal thoughts usually don’t actually want to die; rather, they don’t want to continue living their life as it is. This is why talking about it can be so helpful.
Myth: When someone gets better, their risk of suicide goes down.
For many, it’s the days or weeks after treatment that can be the most dangerous. It’s very important to ensure a person has a strong support system even when they seem “fine.”
To learn more about suicide prevention and destigmatizing this issue, visit the Suicide and Prevention Guide by EDUMED here.